Beyond Peace: Striving for Independence and Equality among Nations


Barzan Hama Sour


In a world that often yearns for peace, the concept of global harmony is commonly idealized.

But the detailed investigations to find the real reasons for the continued instability and fighting in the red areas such as Kurdistan, Baluchistan, Palestine, Polisario, Sudan, etc. in many parts of the world where the human rights of the subjugated nations are not respected! Impartial and academic research shows that peace alone may not be enough to foster unity among different nations.

Under the veneer of peace, one can find in broad daylight persistent inequality and class oppression that hinders the true spirit of cooperation.

Any intelligent person who follows this idea impartially will conclude that true unity among nations is necessary not only for peace but also for independence to ensure pride, freedom and equality.

  Here we must talk about the cause of the Kurdish nation under the rule of the invaders of the Kurdish nation.

The illusion of peace among Turkish, Iranian and Arab invaders.

Peace, often portrayed as the absence of conflict, can be deceptive. While the absence of overt hostility may prevail, forms of inequality and oppression can persist. In the international arena, power imbalances, economic inequality, and unequal access to resources can undermine the essence of true peace. Nations may find themselves in a web of dependencies, limiting their ability to act independently on the world stage.

Inequality and Class Oppression of the Kurdish People in the Subjugated and Semi-Independent Sections In a peaceful situation that is only seemingly peaceful, there is often a hierarchy of sections that reinforces class inequality and oppression. Just as economic systems, political structures, and global institutions can perpetuate inequalities, marginalizing some nations and disproportionately influencing others. The dynamics of power can lead to a world where some nations grow and others weaken in poverty. Some of the invaders of parts of Kurdistan have created a cycle of oppression that peace alone cannot break.

The search for independence is the dream of all subjugated nations. To break free from the shackles of inequality and class oppression, nations must seek independence.

Independence, in this context, goes beyond political autonomy; It includes economic self-sufficiency, cultural sovereignty, and the ability to shape one’s destiny free from external pressures. Independent nations have the autonomy to prioritize the welfare of their people, build strong domestic foundations, and engage on an equal footing with the global community.

Living with dignity and freedom is the guarantee of true unity among nations. It requires a collective commitment to dismantle the structures that have been fostering inequality in all occupied parts of Kurdistan for 100 years.

Independence allows nations to proudly assert their identities, away from the unfounded and artificial borders drawn in the so-called Kurdish nation It is also supported in the name of maintaining peace in the region!

  Embracing the freedom of diversity and recognizing the value of the right to self-determination and the unique contributions of each nation fosters a sense of pride and freedom that goes beyond mere peace.

Finally, while peace is undoubtedly a noble desire, its achievement alone does not guarantee true unity among nations…

To create a world where pride, freedom and equality prevail, people must become independent, free from the chains of inequality and class oppression. It is through this pursuit of independence that nations can stand fearlessly, cooperate on equal terms, and collectively shape a modern world landscape that celebrates the mixture of different cultures, diversity and the education of true unity.