

Nishtman Dialog NGO.


Integration of different cultures refers to the process of integrating and interacting with diverse cultures into one society. This integration aims to promote understanding and peaceful coexistence between individuals coming from different cultural backgrounds. Examples of applying the integration of different cultures can be seen in international schools. These schools are an environment where students from different cultures learn, coexist and interact with each other. This contributes to the development of flexibility and respect for other cultures.

One of the statistics that supports the importance of cultural integration is the increase in the number of people living in countries other than their origin. According to a United Nations report in 2019, more than 270 million people live in countries other than their countries of origin, and this reflects increasing global mobility and intercultural communication.

Among the similarities that help in understanding cultural integration, we can look at cultural similarities between different cultures. For example, the values of family, respect, and hospitality may be similar in many cultures around the world. These similarities contribute to creating commonalities and enhancing cross-cultural communication and understanding.

It is a verifiable fact that diverse cultures contribute to economic development and innovation. According to a report by the World Bank