For the first time in Kurdish history, officials and heads of political power in the Kurdistan Region are dragged to the US Federal Court!


Dr. Tawana


The US Federal Court's indictment of the Barzani clan leaders has shed light on the turbulent history of the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Allegations of dictatorial rule, human rights violations and corruption dating back to 1992 have sparked a dubious debate about accountability and the future of Kurdish governance.

For 32 years, the Barzani clan ruled with an iron fist, silencing voices of protest and violence against activists, journalists, and political opponents who opposed their rule.

The legacy of the Barzani clan's early power and rule after the Barzani uprising is stained with the blood of innocent Kurds from the surrounding tribes It started in Mergasur, Harki, Surchi, Zebari and Bradost Atroshi and recently especially the Yazidi community who have suffered immensely under their oppressive rule.

Masrour Barzani, a key figure in the tribe, now faces three main choices:

First, he can choose to deny U.S. citizenship citing international law as a shield against appearing before a U.S. court.

This option, although legally credible, would be an old and shameful victory in the court of public opinion. It indicates a blatant disregard for justice and accountability by this party and further undermines confidence in Barzani's leadership.

Escape from the US Federal Court is not so easy, then with all the available evidence like a big motionless fish falls into the net of the Federal Court of Baghdad! That puts a beard and mustache!

Second, Masrour Barzani can choose the path of repentance and reconciliation.

In front of the Kurdistan and international media, he can boldly and loudly apologize to the families of the victims and detainees, and acknowledge the suffering they have suffered.

He can also promise to compensate them, step down and pave the way for a new era of governance in Kurdistan. Although this election is difficult, it promises to heal wounds and rebuild confidence in Kurdish society.

Third, Masrour Barzani can retreat to persecution.

take refuge on a remote Caribbean island with his accumulated wealth. But such a decision would be a betrayal of the Kurdish nation and evidence of the permanent impunity of the ruling elite. It only deepens the stain of injustice and perpetuates a cycle of corruption and oppression.

This time, the Kurdish nation and members of Masrour Barzani's party will not forgive him easily. The noise of accountability and reform is rising and cannot be ignored.! The Kurdish people long for a future free from the shackles of dictatorship, where the rule of law and equality prevail and the voices of the oppressed are heard.

After the trial, Kurdistan will stand at a pivotal moment in its history. A moment of reckoning and reflection, when the choices made today will shape the destiny of future generations.
Will Masrour Barzani embrace the call for accountability and justice? Which court will he choose, the People's Court, the US Federal Court or the Federal Court of Baghdad?

None of the roads are impunity..? Today, the answer will resonate beyond the borders of Kurdistan. We must not forget the fact that every decision and every beat of this trial is very important for all those who support the cause of freedom and human rights in the world and in Kurdistan!